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Commission a Portrait

A commissioned portrait is a chance to own a truly special and unique piece of art. Instead of a standard photograph, you can have an original piece of artwork that captures not just the appearance, but also the personality of your subject. 


The artist will work with you to determine the best way to capture the person you want to remember. They will consider elements such as light, composition, and character to create a balanced and compelling portrait. 


A good portrait tells a story about the person depicted. It can reveals things about their personality, occupation, hobbies, beliefs, and place in society that may not be immediately obvious. This makes for a interesting and engaging piece of art that you will be proud to display. 


With a commissioned portrait, you are investing in a unique artwork that will be treasured for generations. The materials used are of the highest quality and longevity, ensuring that your portrait will last for many years to come. 

The Process

A commissioned portrait is a careful process that ensures the artwork created will be valued for many years to come. Here’s what you can expect:


  • Initially there will be a phone or video consultation with the artist and client (a live sitting or interview may not necessary). Here we can get to know each other and what you are envisioning for the piece. We start with the basics: size, background, composition, and the estimated time it will take to complete the project. I’ll also be wanting to understand the character and personality of subject, and how I can bring that to life on the canvas. 

  • The client will provide photos which will provide a basis of the portrait.

  • From these photos and our initial discussion, the artist will produce a preliminary sketch and a formal quote for the completion of the piece.

  • When the client is happy with the sketch and the quote, a 30% deposit is required to formally begin the process of creating your artwork.

  • When the artwork is at a mid-way point, the artist will submit progress photos to the client to keep them informed.

  • Once the artist is confident that the artwork is close to completion, final photos will be shared for approval. The client is able to submit one round of revisions if needed.

  • The artwork will need to take 3-4 weeks to initially dry, it will then be varnished, and once the remaining balance of the artwork is paid, it will be ready for delivery.

"The aim of Art is to present not the outward appearance of things, but their inner significance; for this, not the external manner and detail, constitutes true reality."

Reach out to get the process started

Thanks for submitting!

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